On 30th November 2021, my brother and I will talk about palaeontology and palaeanthropology with the Cerro Navia community, Chile. You can follow Cerro Navia's Facebook page and view the video stream of our talk [here](https://fb.watch/9EBeCVV7Zw/) …
On 24th October 2021, I will talk about my scientific career and research as part of the 'Todo tiene su Ciencia' Online TV show. The video stream of my talk is available [here](https://youtu.be/sRryyPaGYLY) [in Spanish].
Contact: Email: thomas.puschelrouliez@anthro.ox.ac.uk Web: thomas.puschel.com
Yesterday I received an email asking me how did I generate the 3D plots displayed in this preprint so I decided to share the process in this post.
Paper authors: Jonathan Morley, Ana Bucchi, Carlos Lorenzo, Thomas A. Püschel Link to preprint
Corresponding author: Thomas A. Püschel
Contact: Email: thomas.