A discussion of human paleontology and the scientific career for high school students

Image credit: Thomas A. Püschel


On 11th June 2020, I will lead Acción Conciencia’s first Ñuble and Biobio (Chile) talks with a conversation on human paleontology and the scientific career for high school students “Una breve introducción a la paleontologia humana”. The Acción Conciencia are a group of professionals and students passionate about promoting science and research. Working for evidence-based policies, gender equality and the democratization of knowledge. You can follow their Facebook page and view the video stream of my talk here [in Spanish].

Jun 11, 2020 4:00 PM
Colegio Divina Pastora Yungay, Ñuble & Biobío region Chile
Yungay, Ñuble & Biobío,
Thomas A. Püschel
Thomas A. Püschel
Associate Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology

Wendy James Associate Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology at the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford, and Tutorial Fellow at St. Hugh’s College.
